
Filmfools Post - due Thursday, January 31st

Filmfools #2: Hugo & Georges Méliès

Hugo is the only film made by auteur director Martin Scorsese that is not rated ' R '. He made it for two reasons: he wanted to make a film his children would be able to see and enjoy, and Georges Méliès was an inspiration to him, so he wanted to honor him.  In Meredith Woerner's "What Martin Scorsese's Hugo Taught Us About the Grandfather of Science Fiction Film, Georges Méliès", she outlines some of the main areas of Méliès's life that Scorsese covered. Read the article and write a paragraph identifying three surprising things you learned about Méliès. Click here for the article. When you post your response, 1. Start with the header: Your Name Teacher's Name Class Date (day, month, year with no commas) For example: Peter Parker Mr. Scheuer Modern Fiction  31 January 2019 2. Then write your response.  Remember others may see this, so you need to use proper grammar, punctuation...). 3. At the bottom of this post, click on the...

Filmfools Blogpost #1

L'Homme a la Tete de Caoutchouc (The Man with the Rubber Head)- George Melies

Un Homme se Tetes (A Man is Headers) - George Melies